If you are born in the mid-2000s you will live beyond 100

The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call that describes what to expect and considers the choices and options that we all will face.
(Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott – The 100-year life)
The 100-Year Life is the challenges and the intelligent choices everyone of any age must make to turn greater life expectancy into a gift and not a curse.
Whilst life expectancy has increased for decades, society continues to structure lives in the same way as the past; we learn, we work, we retire.
The way forward is a multistage life, not determined by our actual age; rather by the phase of life we are experiencing.
Gone is the traditional retirement age of sixty-five; now with healthy choices and medical advances we will outlive our parents by 10 years, and our children will outlive us by 20 years!
Longevity is no longer about getting older; it is really about getting younger!
The 100-year life makes it imperative to future proof tomorrow as our finances must stretch not for the traditional 10-15 years after retirement, but rather 15-30 years!
This is a call to action for individuals; people like you and me, that a 100-year life can be a wonderful and inspiring one. If you have planned? Are prepared? Have you future proofed tomorrow, beginning today?
Steps to FUTURE-proof your tomorrow… the goal being Personal and Financial FREEDOM
1. Protect self and family from the financial consequences …
Death of the breadwinner(s) … Severe or Critical illnesses … Inability to work ….In your business … Loss of key people, partners … Planning an exit strategy from the business … Use the business to provide for retirement planning.
2. Estate and Tax Planning …
Take extra care if you have assets in multiple countries
Wills, take steps to minimise inheritance taxes, ensure heirs have access to cash
Selecting executors and guardians wisely, living & testamentary trusts
3. Savings & Investments to meet certain goals …
Invest monthly and or with lump sums
To educate children
Invest in property
For that special holiday
Create savings and wealth in hard currency
4. Retirement planning for a 100-year life …
Traditionally retirement was sixty-five. No longer as you will live much much longer. The question is, “Will you be able to retain your quality of life? ”
Healthy living, better lifestyle choices and medical advances means we will outlive our parents by 10 years, and our children will outlive us by 20 years!
The 100-year life demands working longer. How much longer depends on your wealth and the passive income it provides (Money at work while you are doing your favourite “things.”) It is not safe and is risky to keep money in a bank. Inflation is mostly higher than bank interest rates. If you do not earn more than inflation on your investments you are going backwards, getting poorer. Wealth must grow above inflation! Look at the table and the years it takes to double wealth.

One job, One career, One home, One retirement location … is a disappearing way of life!
Diversification in investments is key …
Africa represents 3%, South Africa 0,6% of global GDP; The USA 13,6% The EU 15,4% The UK 2,1% No one country or asset class is the complete investment solution.
Protection of wealth …
Cost effective solutions exist to protect wealth from creditors, partnerships that have gone bad, governments and tax authorities that are overzealous from estate, probate costs, executors’ fees, and inheritance taxes
START … now, BE in control!