Financial Freedom | Are you FUTURE ready!

Financial freedom generally means having enough savings, investments, and cash on hand to afford the lifestyle we want for ourselves and our families. This can be the goal before or on retirement.

In the uncertain and disruptive world of today we all need to FUTURE-proof tomorrow. This means protecting self and family and preserving and growing wealth to maintain our lifestyle now and into the future

Are you covered?  | Be FUTURE ready!

Insurance covers you and the family from the financial damage caused by severe illness, disability, and death!

It is an agreement between you, the life assured and an insurance company that guarantees a financial pay-out on the occurrence of an event in return for a monthly or annual premium

Principal events that can be insured (In summary)
On Diagnosis of a Dreaded Disease-Critical illness a financial pay-out to the owner of the plan
On Disability
 a financial pay-out to the owner of the plan
On Temporary Illness or Disability a monthly pay-out to replace salary/remuneration whilst off work
On Death your beneficiaries will receive a financial pay-out

Life cover can be denominated in the local currency or in US Dollars
Our philosophy is that insurance should be in hard currency. Why? With globalisation, more and more goods and services are imported, if you add soft currency volatility then healthcare services like mobility devices like artificial limbs or cancer treatments that are tied to the US Dollar can become unaffordable!

Investments & Savings | Are you FUTURE ready?

We work, to save and invest with the goal of achieving financial independence before or after retirement

Saving vs Investing | What is the difference?
People often use the terms interchangeably, but there is a world of difference between saving and investing.
There are 3 things you can do with your money |   > Spend it    > Save it    > Invest it

Spending we all understand, if only because we tend to do so much of it! You buy something, then either you own it or use it up.

Saving is income that is not spent. There are various ways of doing this, ranging from putting your money in a deposit account at the bank to hiding it in a sock under your bed to saving through index or unit trust funds. Decide on an amount and use a debit order to save monthly. Most importantly, the money is “saved” before you spend it!

Investment is when you invest your income/savings/lump sum on something that promises to create future returns. Like investing in property where rentals provide passive income. And do not forget capital growth.

Goals and Time
In most cases, saving is for small, short-term goals. You might save up for a new fridge, or for a scooter; usually with the aim of spending that money on that goal within the next two-three years. Saving for longer-term goals. You might invest to create a travel fund or for your retirement or for your child’s (or your own!) education | usually with your eye on a goal that’s at least three or more years away. The sooner you start the better as you then can earn interest/growth on interest/growth. Which is easier, save $10 000 over 5 years or 10 years?

Risk & Returns
Savings in a bank carries the least risk but will not get you to your goals as the return is too low and normally below inflation. For example. $1000 with 2% inflation will buy less a year later. If you only are earning 1% in interest you are getting poorer. Over 5 years, in simple terms, you need 10% more cash but only grew your cash by 5%. If saving monthly; invest in unit trusts-mutual funds-shares-index funds etc. The risk is higher than a bank but over time the risk reduces, and the returns normally exceed inflation giving real growth.

Investment with a lump sum gives wider choices. If you examine the wealthy, the majority of their wealth is invested in bricks and cement, property, as after food we all need “shelter to survive”. Rentals in hard currency in certain niche sectors of the property market have proven to be recession-resistant. Healthcare:  Specialist medical care facilities and Higher Education: Student accommodation.

Retirement & Relocation Planning | Are you FUTURE ready?

If you are not ready for retirement it becomes a curse
If you wish to relocate, be ready! When the “lights are already switched off” it is too late

Average Life Expectancy Continues To Rise
They say the new 70 is 60 and the new 50 is 40 and so on …
What an opportunity to have the time to do all those things we dream about if you have an income/pension that is:

> Sufficient today
> That will retain its purchasing power (If your wealth income is largely in a soft currency)

In short, do not plan for an average life expectancy | Plan for more!

You Can’t Work Forever
You might be defiant and think you can work until the day you drop, and for some, that may be the dream, but the fact is you can’t work or perform your profession at a high level for your entire life. Irrespective, if technology keeps us healthy for longer and we enjoy a greater quality of life, if you can afford it?

Globalisation & Relocation
Increasingly friends, family and children are scattering across the globe as work and lifestyle opportunities are pursued.  With children living in different cities and countries, living with children on retirement is a fading option.

With this uncertainty and disruption, retirement planning needs to be flexible and global in outlook. Do you have a “PLAN B” option; the right to live in a first-world country providing at the very least personal safety, security, healthcare, and an attractive lifestyle.

Future proof tomorrow
Today it is all roses and wine. Then something often out of our control occurs! I am 40 and I want to retire at 70. Sounds like one has plenty of time. Not true, because today you have 360 paydays and next month you have 359! The ant eats the elephant in small bites. Retirement planning is exactly that. Baby steps resulting in a FUTURE-proofed tomorrow.

The longer you do not plan retirement the bigger the problems get! Waiting for the “The big payday or lottery ticket” is not planning. Do something today however small and stick with it.

Tax & Inheritance Planning | Are you FUTURE ready?

Income tax & Estate planning is about maximising income after paying the taxman while alive and on death minimising inheritance taxes payable so the deceased leaves more for “loved ones!”

Accountants are focused on preparing books that reflect the personal and business assets of individuals and corporates, they complete tax returns and keep the “TAXMAN HAPPY”

Lawyers are focused on wills, corporate and trust structures that reflect an individual’s wishes

Tax & Estate planning is all about FUTURE-proofing tomorrow in this uncertain and disruptive world of today, by protecting individuals and family and preserving and growing wealth to maintain lifestyle now and in the future.

Investment is when you invest your income/savings/lump sum on something that promises to create future returns. Like purchasing a property where rentals provide passive income. And do not forget capital growth.

Goals and Time. In most cases, saving is for small, short-term goals. You might save up for a new fridge, or for a scooter – usually with the aim of spending that money on that goal within the next two years at most.  In most cases, you will put your savings into a bank account, where it will earn a small amount of interest at incredibly low risk. Investing, on the other hand, is best for bigger, longer-term goals. You might invest to create a travel fund or your retirement or for your child’s (or your own!) education | usually with your eye on a goal that’s at least three or more years away.

The time factor is especially important because investment returns depend on financial markets which can be quite volatile in the short term but provide good returns over the long term.

Inheritance Planning and Succession
Inheritance planning crystallises your wishes in the event of death. It minimises tax, family friction and is in reality “your last LOVE LETTER to your loved ones and friends you hold near and dear.” Or it can be a poison letter! A lifetime of good deeds can be undone by our last actions!” How do you wish to be remembered?

Inheritances taxes can be minimised or done away with completely. All that is required is planning.

With the uncertainty and disruption locally, estate planning needs to be global in outlook as we evolve into global residents and citizens.

  • Are you an expat | contract worker? Are paying unnecessary taxes?
  • Do you bank offshore?
  • Wills, local and global?
  • Do you have minor or physically impaired dependants?
  • Are you a dual resident or a dual citizen?
  • Is your estate going to cause assets to be frozen leaving dependants without cash?
  • Do you wish to gift an education in another country?

These and many more are some of the issues. We structure local and global estates.

Have you a PLAN B? | Be FUTURE ready!

A second residency and or citizenship takes time to arrange …

When the “lights are out” and you then want to initiate a PLAN B it is too late! Your status is then that of a refugee!

Thinking of going offshore | Residency and/or Citizenship
Going offshore has in recent years become a more mainstream idea. If you had asked people about going dual residency or citizenship as recently as the 90s, they might have thought you to be a criminal, drug lord, or tax dodger.

Today the trend of globalisation and working in multiple countries is thought of as normal.  It has become an integral part of any investment and family planning strategy. In fact, Google’s monthly searches for “go offshore” have tripled over the last decade.

If that is any indication, it is easy to see that this idea has become popular for a reason… it works. And by that we mean it works for whatever your goals might be… Dream of owning an internet business? Go offshore… Want to be tax swallow? Go Offshore … Wanting to buy property giving hard currency passive income? Go offshore… Looking to preserve your assets for your children or grandchildren? Go offshore… The list goes on and on.

The bottom line is this. If you want to save money, avoid political pressures, minimize your tax burden, not be tied to the whims of a single market, and have peace of mind that you are protected, both today and in the future, you need to be going offshore.

How To Get Started
Going offshore is about taking control of your financial future and diversifying your life.
It starts with education. Will you be running a business, are time zones important, will the extended family need to be included, is tax-efficient succession planning the primary goal. Do you want a passive income because you live in a country with a self-destructing currency that is destroying your lifestyle and buying power?

Connect with US, ask the questions; we have since 1993 assisted families
Is it a PLAN B option … 
Should you need or want to exercise the option,  it is a matter of buying a plane ticket!

Education – Student Accommodation | Are you FUTURE ready?

British degrees including medicine at half the cost for the same degrees in the UK and the opportunity to invest in recession-resistant student accommodation to fund your children’s education and/or an  excellent passive income investment

Investing in International Hard Currency Property
A robust property investment strategy directs one to invest directly in property giving one direct ownership. We choose to invest in EU Europe, the 3rd largest economy in the world, and the recession-resistant education sector.

The Cyprus Education System
Cyprus offers an affordable and high-quality education. And it is rated 4th Best in the World (of 144 countries) There are many foreign students in Cyprus due to the quality of the degrees and the fact that the same degrees in the UK will cost almost double!

Although Cyprus is a member of the EU and the Bologna system, private universities tend to follow the British system of education as Cyprus was a former British colony and gained independence in 1960.

One can study medicine at St Georges University of London, Nicosia Cyprus. One earns a British degree whether undergraduate or postgraduate. Internships are available in Cyprus, the UK, USA, EU Europe, and Israel through this TOP 200 institution.

The University of Lancashire Preston England is the 4th largest university in the UK. In 2012 it established UCLan Cyprus offering the same degrees as UCLan Preston but in Cyprus. With plus 300 days of sun and more than 60 sun-kissed blue flag beaches, it is a popular choice for students; and parents benefit from tuition, accommodation and daily living expenses being half of the UK.

All degrees are on offer including postgraduate and MBA programs. The university student population is just on 2000. Student numbers are increasing between 10-15%pa and the management of the university vision is to grow the numbers to 10 000.

Higher Education
It is the desire of parents to give their children the best start in life. Some dish out money, the wiser educate their children first.

The principle being “teach one’s child to fish, and they can fish for the rest of their lives, as opposed to giving them the fish!”.

Investing in Cyprus Real Estate | Student accommodation
On-Campus Student Accommodation is a pandemic-recession resistant asset. The real estate sector in Cyprus is booming, following the country’s economic recovery caused by the credit crunch of 2008 and is now one of the leading economies in the EU.  One can invest in commercial property, student accommodation, and residential property.

By investing in property one can also obtain EU residency and citizenship.
Connect with us for detailed information.

British University Student Accommodation in Cyprus
Around the world, in all countries; on-campus student accommodation is in short supply and is usually awarded to first-year and top academic students. On-campus student accommodation is 100% occupied. The formula for student on-campus accommodation is to provide for residences for only 20-25% of the total student population. Thus, the administrators of the educational institution will always have demand exceeding supply.

Investors in student accommodation receive the title deed and can resell at any point. The rental return is net before taxes. All letting, management and maintenance are undertaken by the Institution. There is no personal use. 

This investment provides rental guarantees of €uro 6% net for 5 years thereafter participating in pooled income. (Total income less Total Expenses shared with investors by property value) This is a “no-hassle” investment. On resale, capital growth would increase the return to ±€uro 8-10% pa.

Build Wealth and Passive Income by owning commercial property – On-Campus Student Accommodation in EU Cyprus.
Enjoy regular cash paid quarterly in €uros.

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